Freshwater module
Freshwater module with high-efficiency pumps (EEI < 0.23) for BSP / BSP-W stratification cylinder
- For BSP/BSP-W stratification cylinder
- Hygienic DHW heating
- With high-efficiency pumps (EEI <0.23) for heating and DHW applications
Overview of benefits
Can be mounted on the wall or cylinder (SPU-2) without the need for expensive accessories
Electronically controlled, only the temperature needs to be selected
Highly efficient DHW circulation pump can be integrated as an accessory
Fully pre-assembled with attractively designed thermal insulation
Scale prevention through admixture in the primary circuit
Infinitely variable output adjustment thanks to a variable speed pump
Automatic readjustment for outstanding DHW convenience (FWS-2-80: electronic, FWS-2-60: thermostatic)
FWS-2-80 including taps on the DHW side of the heat exchanger
FWS-2-80 including thermal disinfection function
Preconfigured cascade sets of up to 4 units (FWS-2-80)
Cascade sets comprising freshwater modules, cascade controller, cascade valves, DN50 piping and hygiene kit
Well-insulated cascade piping